Meet Cryptobranchus alleganiensis, the largest species of salamander in North America. It's flat, it's slimy, it's awesome! In the wild, these guys live in fast-moving streams under flat rocks and can grow to over two feet long. The Hellbenders pictured here are only tiny little babies. They should be called Heckbenders.
I have wanted to see them ever since we talked about them in Herpetology four years ago. They did not disappoint.
We saw some other cool things as well:
A two-headed snake.
Mrs. Pileated Woodpecker.
Mr. Pileated Woodpecker.
Lots and lots of lichens. We found and keyed out a really cool species (Psora pseudorussellii), which I forgot to photograph.
Hyla cinerea.
Dog-toothed violet.
Someone left their tiny soup bowls out in the middle of the woods.
A salamander egg mass. We saw so many.
And lastly, I want you to know that one of the other common names for Hellbender is Snot Otter. Have a good night.