Sunday, June 12, 2016


I just returned from a two-week salamander class in the Southern Appalachians. North Carolina is a sparkly, breathtaking state with waterfalls and mountains and fireflies. There was a salamander under nearly every rock. As a class, we caught over 600! I learned a lot. Here are some pictures.

Desmognathus ocoee

Eurycea wilderae

A cool plant growing out of the rock!

Plethodon shermani x Plethodon teyahallee
Reminds me of Tangaloor Firefoot! If you don't know who that is, PLEASE go pick up a copy of Tailchaser's Song (aka the best work of fiction ever written!!!)!

Spot the salamander!

You could see for miles.

Notophthalmus viridescens viridescens red eft stage

An awesome cave, begging to be explored!

Aneides aeneus

Mama Dinosaur Snapping Turtle


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