Sunday, June 12, 2022


Hello! I got a lot of writing done over the past couple of weeks, and last night, I finished the front cover for book 1.

The first book follows Seth, a young shapeshifter who is taken in by his aunt and uncle after the arrest of his father. Seth becomes trapped in his raven form and gets roped into helping a flock of ravens investigate some disappearances within their community. While his aunt and uncle desperately try to hold their family together, he begins to uncover dark secrets from his father's past.

Here's some old art of Seth, his uncle, and their raven friend, Roc:

I've since gotten better at drawing noses and learned just how freaking enormous Common Ravens are. They're impressive birds. In the next post, I may introduce a character or two, or some world-building. I reached the 20,000 word mark of draft 3 the other day. Very excited.

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