Saturday, April 26, 2014


I started writing a story a number of years ago. It started out about a journey to Camelot, but has slowly metamorphosed into a story about the life of a dragon tamer. This story has been written, rewritten, dropped, and picked back up... You get the picture.

 Sometimes I feel like it will never be finished, and  it seems like the more I want to work on it, the less time I have.

*sigh* *the frustration*

 Lately, however, a lot of the writing and the character development have been falling into place, leaving mainly the artwork to tackle. I've been practicing digital coloring, and have gotten more comfortable with it. Maybe I can tame this dragon after all.

 It looks like it is still a long, long road ahead, but I'm hoping to finish the first part this summer. This is the first goal. The second is to take some of the artwork to the local comic convention this fall.


But even if I don't, I can still go to the convention and talk to some professional comic artists.

Yay! Professional artists!

This summer should be interesting...

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